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Task #963602 » XN-L-20230711_163455-Interface.log

Juan Poceiro, 2023-07-17 01:33 PM

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,139] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,139] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,139] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,139] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,139] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,170] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,170] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,233] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,233] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,233] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,233] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,233] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,264] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,264] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,342] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,358] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,358] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000002^01^ 90009818^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL|0|20230711163701<ETX>DA<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,358] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,358] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,389] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,405] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000002^01^ 90009818^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL|0|20230711163701 ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000002^01^ 90009818^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL|0|20230711163701
delimiter: |
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.XNLASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,420] DEBUG - sampleID: 01
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor: No hay tests para la muestra solicitada
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230711163525

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230711163525

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=null, mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|01|||||||||||||||||||||||Y|||||

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|01|||||||||||||||||||||||Y

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F

[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,452] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,483] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,483] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,483] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,530] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230711163525<CR><ETX>44<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,561] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,561] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1<CR><ETX>3F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,592] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,608] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3O|1|01|||||||||||||||||||||||Y<CR><ETX>99<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,655] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,655] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4L|1|F<CR><ETX>FF<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:25,686] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,123] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,123] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,123] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,123] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,123] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,139] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,139] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,201] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,201] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,201] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,201] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,201] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,233] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,233] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,311] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,311] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,311] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000002^02^ 90009918^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL|0|20230711163705<ETX>E0<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,311] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,311] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,342] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000002^02^ 90009918^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL|0|20230711163705 ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000002^02^ 90009918^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL|0|20230711163705
delimiter: |
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.XNLASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,358] DEBUG - sampleID: 02
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor: No hay tests para la muestra solicitada
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230711163530

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230711163530

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=null, mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|02|||||||||||||||||||||||Y|||||

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|02|||||||||||||||||||||||Y

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F

[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,373] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,405] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,405] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,405] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,451] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230711163530<CR><ETX>40<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,483] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,483] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1<CR><ETX>3F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,514] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,530] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3O|1|02|||||||||||||||||||||||Y<CR><ETX>9A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,576] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,576] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4L|1|F<CR><ETX>FF<CR><LF>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-11 16:35:30,608] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-11 16:37:15,026] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.disconnect starts.
[2023-07-11 16:37:15,104] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.disconnect ends.
[2023-07-11 16:37:24,682] DEBUG - Start4,Clinitek Auto 2000,HLC723G7,BC5500,BS200,H300,Geo MC,Elite PRO,Mindray H50P,CS-T240,STP CCX,CELL DYN Ruby,HumaCount 80 TS,CA500,Mini Vidas,Maglumi 2000 Plus,AQT 90 FLEX (ASTM),Immulite SMS,CELL DYN Emerald,Clia-900,Clia-1000,XN550,Advia 2120,Cobas Pure Soft,BC-20S,BS220,BS-360E,XS1000i,CM320i (ASTM),Pentra 80,STA Compact Max II,A25,ABL 80 FLEX (ASTM),BCC3600-beta,BS300,InCCA,Pentra XLR (ABX),Kern MIC,BC5380-C27,Counter XS-20,D-10,XT-1800i,CL-1000i,Kohden,BA400 (HL7),pHOx Plus,BC6600 (ASTM),Vision C,Evolis,BC-30S,CM250,GEM Premier 3000,XS800i,CM320i (HL7),CMD-800,DT100,Maglumi 800,Clinitek Atlas,Selectra Pro-series,Vitek,Clinitek Advantus,H900,Pentra XLR (ASTM),Pentra XL80,Maglumi 1000,U500,Cobas T411 (Beta),Counter 31 AL,Vision PRO,BS-420,LenaNE,Hemaray 89,HumaCount 3.31u,BC5300,Hemaray 83,BA400 (ASTM),CELL DYN Sapphire,Hemaray 86,Konelab 60,Clia-2000,XS800i ASTM,Atellica NEPH 630,G26,Cobas B 121,AVL 9180,COL4,BC6800 (HL7),H800,XN1000,CM200,BC5000 (DCM),8020A,BC2800,H50,Advia Centaur,CL-2000i,BacT,BS300 (ASTM),HA-22 Touch,CB350i,XP,CMD-600,AQT 90 FLEX (HL7),Cobas E 411,Immulite 2500,BA200 (HL7),BS-400,Selectra Junior,Cobas B 221,Vidas,ABX Micros 60,iSED,MicroScan Walkaway Plus,Maglumi 600,XN-L,VersaTREK,Counter29,DG Reader (Beta),Metrolab 2300 Plus,HumaCount 30 TS,BS180,Architect I1000SR,Immulite 2000,Ramp200,Advia Centaur CP,Immage-800,Konelab 20,Alegria,BC 5150,Destiny Plus,Cobas 6000,Maglumi 2000,Clinitek 200+,STA Compact,Urisys 2400,2900-beta,Destiny Max,XS1000i ASTM,Immulite One,COR50,BC5800-C29,ABL5,Virclia (Beta),CS-T300,Konelab 30,E32,BC-3000,Dimension,FACS Calibur,Advia 120,ACL 7000,BC6600 (HL7),Access 2,Metrolab 2300,ABL 80 FLEX (HL7),Rapid Lab 348EX,EpiCenter,Elite,H500,UniCel DxI,Maglumi Series,Immulite 1000,Radiance,BS130,BC6800 (ASTM),KX 21,Selectra E,Counter 19,U120,BC5390,Rapid Point 500,Selectra XL,COR-180,STA Satellite,Clinitek 500,Vitek 2,FUS-2000,CB400,BC5380,pHOx Ultra,AIA-360,ACL 6000,ABX Micros 60 (ASTM),Liaison xL,BC5800,XT-2000i,BCS XP,CELL DYN 4000,BA200 (ASTM),DG57 Reader,i-Smart 300,H50P,CELL DYN 3700,AIA-900,Radiance (HL7),BS120,SP Prime,Cobas C311
[2023-07-11 16:37:27,073] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.connect starts.
[2023-07-11 16:37:27,073] DEBUG - Initializing class
[2023-07-11 16:37:27,081] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.connect ends.