[2023-07-27 10:20:51,667] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,670] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,670] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,671] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,673] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,696] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,696] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,756] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,756] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,764] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,764] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,764] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,786] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,786] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,952] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,952] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,953] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^01^ 17840118^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102234<ETX>60<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,953] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,953] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,982] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,982] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,982] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,982] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,990] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,991] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:20:51,991] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,013] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,037] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,037] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,037] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^01^ 17840118^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102234 ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,037] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^01^ 17840118^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102234
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,039] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,040] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,041] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,041] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,041] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit01 - sampleId: 17840118 - sampleNroAtt: B
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,041] DEBUG - rawSampleID: 17840118 aligned= r sampleID: 17840118
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,136] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,138] DEBUG - instrumentSpecimenId: 000006^01^ 17840118^B
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,138] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,138] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,138] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,140] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102052
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,140] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,140] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102052
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,140] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,140] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=23038, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=, lastName=ALEXANDER , firstName=VALDIVIEZO, middleInitialOrName=null, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=Wed Nov 17 00:00:00 ART 2004, patientSex=M, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=^^^, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||23038|^ALEXANDER ^VALDIVIEZO||20041117|M|||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|||23038|^ALEXANDER ^VALDIVIEZO||20041117|M|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1|||23038|^ALEXANDER ^VALDIVIEZO||20041117|M|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: C
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1||VALDIVIEZO, ALEXANDER |
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1||VALDIVIEZO, ALEXANDER
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,143] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|000006^01^ 17840118^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727085300||||N||||||||||||||Q|||||
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|000006^01^ 17840118^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727085300||||N||||||||||||||Q
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,145] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,146] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,146] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,147] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,147] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,163] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,163] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,164] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,222] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102052<CR><ETX>3F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,239] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,311] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1|||23038|^ALEXANDER ^VALDIVIEZO||20041117|M|||||||||||||||||^^^<CR><ETX>43<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,330] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,359] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3C|1||VALDIVIEZO, ALEXANDER <CR><ETX>28<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,390] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,506] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4O|1|000006^01^ 17840118^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727085300||||N||||||||||||||Q<CR><ETX>E5<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,528] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,528] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>5L|1|F<CR><ETX>00<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,559] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,559] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,559] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,560] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,560] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,560] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,560] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:52,560] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,867] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,867] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,867] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,867] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,868] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,882] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,882] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,943] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,943] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,944] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,944] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,944] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,973] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:20:55,973] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,141] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,141] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,141] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^02^ 17841318^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102238<ETX>68<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,141] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,142] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,171] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,171] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,171] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,171] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,172] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,172] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,172] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,187] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,188] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,188] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,188] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^02^ 17841318^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102238 ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,188] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^02^ 17841318^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102238
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,189] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,190] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,190] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,190] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,190] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit02 - sampleId: 17841318 - sampleNroAtt: B
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,190] DEBUG - rawSampleID: 17841318 aligned= r sampleID: 17841318
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - instrumentSpecimenId: 000006^02^ 17841318^B
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102056
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,278] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,279] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102056
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,279] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,279] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=32875, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=, lastName=LIAM , firstName=SEBECA, middleInitialOrName=null, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=Mon Jan 06 00:00:00 ART 2020, patientSex=M, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=^^^, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,279] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||32875|^LIAM ^SEBECA||20200106|M|||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|||32875|^LIAM ^SEBECA||20200106|M|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1|||32875|^LIAM ^SEBECA||20200106|M|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: C
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1||SEBECA, LIAM |
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1||SEBECA, LIAM
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,280] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|000006^02^ 17841318^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727090400||||N||||||||||||||Q|||||
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|000006^02^ 17841318^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727090400||||N||||||||||||||Q
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,281] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,307] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,307] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,307] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,365] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102056<CR><ETX>43<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,384] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,442] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1|||32875|^LIAM ^SEBECA||20200106|M|||||||||||||||||^^^<CR><ETX>7C<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,475] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,489] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3C|1||SEBECA, LIAM <CR><ETX>5D<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,521] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,637] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4O|1|000006^02^ 17841318^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727090400||||N||||||||||||||Q<CR><ETX>E6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,658] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,658] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>5L|1|F<CR><ETX>00<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:20:56,688] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,379] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,379] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,379] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,380] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,380] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,409] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,409] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,469] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,469] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,469] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,469] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,469] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,499] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,499] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,664] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,664] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,664] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^03^ 17840018^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102246<ETX>64<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,664] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,664] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,694] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,709] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,710] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,710] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^03^ 17840018^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102246 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,710] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^03^ 17840018^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102246
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,711] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit03 - sampleId: 17840018 - sampleNroAtt: B
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,712] DEBUG - rawSampleID: 17840018 aligned= r sampleID: 17840018
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,808] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,808] DEBUG - instrumentSpecimenId: 000006^03^ 17840018^B
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,808] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,808] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,808] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,809] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102103
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,809] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,809] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102103
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,809] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,809] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=33054, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=, lastName=EMANUEL , firstName=GALVAN, middleInitialOrName=null, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=Tue Mar 03 00:00:00 ART 2020, patientSex=M, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=^^^, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||33054|^EMANUEL ^GALVAN||20200303|M|||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|||33054|^EMANUEL ^GALVAN||20200303|M|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1|||33054|^EMANUEL ^GALVAN||20200303|M|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: C
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1||GALVAN, EMANUEL |
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1||GALVAN, EMANUEL
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,810] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|000006^03^ 17840018^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727085300||||N||||||||||||||Q|||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|000006^03^ 17840018^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727085300||||N||||||||||||||Q
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,811] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,812] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,812] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,831] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,831] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,831] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,889] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102103<CR><ETX>3C<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,906] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,963] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1|||33054|^EMANUEL ^GALVAN||20200303|M|||||||||||||||||^^^<CR><ETX>6B<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:03,996] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,024] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3C|1||GALVAN, EMANUEL <CR><ETX>57<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,041] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,157] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4O|1|000006^03^ 17840018^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727085300||||N||||||||||||||Q<CR><ETX>E6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,177] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,177] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>5L|1|F<CR><ETX>00<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,207] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,207] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,207] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,207] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,208] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,208] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,208] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,208] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,868] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,868] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,868] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,868] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,869] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,899] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,899] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,945] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,945] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,945] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,945] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,945] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,975] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:04,975] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,142] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,142] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,142] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^04^ 17838818^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102247<ETX>75<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,142] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,143] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,172] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,172] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,172] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,172] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,173] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,173] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,173] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,187] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,187] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,187] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,187] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,187] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,187] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,188] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,188] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,188] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,188] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^04^ 17838818^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102247 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,188] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^04^ 17838818^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102247
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,189] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,189] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit04 - sampleId: 17838818 - sampleNroAtt: B
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,190] DEBUG - rawSampleID: 17838818 aligned= r sampleID: 17838818
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,288] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,288] DEBUG - instrumentSpecimenId: 000006^04^ 17838818^B
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,288] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,288] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,288] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,288] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102105
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,289] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,289] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102105
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,289] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,289] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=25590, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=, lastName=SABRINA , firstName=VAZQUEZ, middleInitialOrName=null, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=Tue May 12 00:00:00 ART 2009, patientSex=F, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=^^^, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,289] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||25590|^SABRINA ^VAZQUEZ||20090512|F|||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|||25590|^SABRINA ^VAZQUEZ||20090512|F|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1|||25590|^SABRINA ^VAZQUEZ||20090512|F|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: C
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1||VAZQUEZ, SABRINA |
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1||VAZQUEZ, SABRINA
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,290] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|000006^04^ 17838818^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727083500||||N||||||||||||||Q|||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|000006^04^ 17838818^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727083500||||N||||||||||||||Q
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,291] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,307] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,307] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,307] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,365] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102105<CR><ETX>3E<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,384] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,441] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1|||25590|^SABRINA ^VAZQUEZ||20090512|F|||||||||||||||||^^^<CR><ETX>E9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,475] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,503] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3C|1||VAZQUEZ, SABRINA <CR><ETX>CD<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,521] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,637] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4O|1|000006^04^ 17838818^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727083500||||N||||||||||||||Q<CR><ETX>F6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,658] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,658] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>5L|1|F<CR><ETX>00<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,688] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,856] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,856] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,856] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,856] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,856] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,871] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,871] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,931] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,932] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,932] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,932] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,932] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,962] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:05,962] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,128] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,128] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,128] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^05^ 17836418^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102248<ETX>71<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,128] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,128] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,158] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,158] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,158] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,158] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,158] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,159] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,159] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,173] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,174] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,174] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,174] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^05^ 17836418^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102248 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,174] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^05^ 17836418^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102248
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit05 - sampleId: 17836418 - sampleNroAtt: B
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,175] DEBUG - rawSampleID: 17836418 aligned= r sampleID: 17836418
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - instrumentSpecimenId: 000006^05^ 17836418^B
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102106
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102106
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,270] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,271] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=55024, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=, lastName=MORENA , firstName=MANCILLA, middleInitialOrName=null, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=Sat Mar 07 00:00:00 ARST 2009, patientSex=F, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=^^^, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,271] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||55024|^MORENA ^MANCILLA||20090307|F|||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,271] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,271] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|||55024|^MORENA ^MANCILLA||20090307|F|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,271] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1|||55024|^MORENA ^MANCILLA||20090307|F|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,271] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: C
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,272] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1||MANCILLA, MORENA |
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,272] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,272] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1||MANCILLA, MORENA
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,272] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,272] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|000006^05^ 17836418^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^062^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727081100||||N||||||||||||||Q|||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|000006^05^ 17836418^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^062^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727081100||||N||||||||||||||Q
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,273] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,295] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,295] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,295] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,352] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102106<CR><ETX>3F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,370] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,427] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1|||55024|^MORENA ^MANCILLA||20090307|F|||||||||||||||||^^^<CR><ETX>B3<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,460] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,488] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3C|1||MANCILLA, MORENA <CR><ETX>9A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,505] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,621] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4O|1|000006^05^ 17836418^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^062^\^^^041^\^^^043^|R||20230727081100||||N||||||||||||||Q<CR><ETX>57<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,655] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,655] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>5L|1|F<CR><ETX>00<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:06,685] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,771] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,771] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,771] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,771] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,771] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,786] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,786] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,847] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,847] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,847] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,847] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,847] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,877] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:15,877] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,043] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,043] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,043] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^06^ ERR0000000002^A||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102258<ETX>F7<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,043] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,044] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,073] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,073] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,073] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,073] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,074] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,074] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,074] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,088] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,089] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,089] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,089] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^06^ ERR0000000002^A||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102258 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,089] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^06^ ERR0000000002^A||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102258
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,090] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,090] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,090] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,090] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit06 - sampleId: ERR0000000002 - sampleNroAtt: A
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,091] DEBUG - rawSampleID: ERR0000000002 aligned= r sampleID: ERR0000000002
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,156] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,156] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor: No hay tests para la muestra solicitada
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,156] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,156] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,157] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,157] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102116
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,157] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,157] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102116
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,157] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,157] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=null, mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1| ERR0000000002|||||||||||||||||||||||Y|||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,158] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1| ERR0000000002|||||||||||||||||||||||Y
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,159] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,179] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,179] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,179] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,237] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102116<CR><ETX>40<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,256] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,256] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1<CR><ETX>3F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,286] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,329] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3O|1| ERR0000000002|||||||||||||||||||||||Y<CR><ETX>43<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,361] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,361] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4L|1|F<CR><ETX>FF<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,392] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,677] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,677] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,677] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,677] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,677] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,692] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,692] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,753] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,753] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,753] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,754] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,754] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,783] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,783] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,949] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,949] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,949] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000006^07^ 17837218^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102259<ETX>74<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,949] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,949] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,979] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,979] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,979] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,979] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,979] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,980] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,980] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,994] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,995] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,995] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,995] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000006^07^ 17837218^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,995] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000006^07^ 17837218^B||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,996] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,996] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,996] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - rackNro: 000006- rackPosit07 - sampleId: 17837218 - sampleNroAtt: B
[2023-07-27 10:21:16,997] DEBUG - rawSampleID: 17837218 aligned= r sampleID: 17837218
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,121] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,121] DEBUG - instrumentSpecimenId: 000006^07^ 17837218^B
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,121] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,121] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,121] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,122] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102117
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,122] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,122] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102117
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,122] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,122] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=15062, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=, lastName=EMILY CATALEYA , firstName=MEDINA, middleInitialOrName=null, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=Fri Jul 30 00:00:00 ART 2021, patientSex=F, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=^^^, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||15062|^EMILY CATALEYA ^MEDINA||20210730|F|||||||||||||||||^^^|||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|||15062|^EMILY CATALEYA ^MEDINA||20210730|F|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1|||15062|^EMILY CATALEYA ^MEDINA||20210730|F|||||||||||||||||^^^
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: C
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1||MEDINA, EMILY CATALEYA |
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1||MEDINA, EMILY CATALEYA
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,123] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|000006^07^ 17837218^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^\^^^062^\^^^511^|R||20230727081800||||N||||||||||||||Q|||||
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|000006^07^ 17837218^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^\^^^062^\^^^511^|R||20230727081800||||N||||||||||||||Q
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,124] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,146] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,146] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,146] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,204] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102117<CR><ETX>41<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,223] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,295] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1|||15062|^EMILY CATALEYA ^MEDINA||20210730|F|||||||||||||||||^^^<CR><ETX>3A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,315] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,344] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3C|1||MEDINA, EMILY CATALEYA <CR><ETX>29<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,376] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,506] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4O|1|000006^07^ 17837218^B||^^^051^\^^^042^\^^^041^\^^^043^\^^^062^\^^^511^|R||20230727081800||||N||||||||||||||Q<CR><ETX>CA<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,528] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,528] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>5L|1|F<CR><ETX>00<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:21:17,558] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,608] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,608] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,608] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,608] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,608] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,623] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,623] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,683] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,683] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,683] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>95<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,683] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,684] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,714] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,714] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,882] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,882] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,882] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2Q|1|000007^01^ ERR0000000003^A||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102808<ETX>F5<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,882] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,883] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,912] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,928] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,929] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,929] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,929] INFO - parsing [ Q|1|000007^01^ ERR0000000003^A||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102808 ]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,929] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: Q|1|000007^01^ ERR0000000003^A||^^^040^PT-THS-cal\^^^050^APTT-PSL\^^^150^seg ACL\^^^180^VIII-PSL\^^^190^IX-PSL\^^^340^INN-Hep\^^^610^INN-DDi|0|20230727102808
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - case 'Q'
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - rackNro: 000007- rackPosit01 - sampleId: ERR0000000003 - sampleNroAtt: A
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,930] DEBUG - rawSampleID: ERR0000000003 aligned= r sampleID: ERR0000000003
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,990] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.getLabConnMessage
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,990] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor: No hay tests para la muestra solicitada
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,990] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processQ
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,990] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,990] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: H
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102625
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102625
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: P
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Codificar datos de paciente -- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=null, mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - Datos Codificados pte -- P|1
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,991] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: O
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1| ERR0000000003|||||||||||||||||||||||Y|||||
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1| ERR0000000003|||||||||||||||||||||||Y
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getRecordAsString: L
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Frame before encode : |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.encoder.astm.ASTMEncoder.stripFrame
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Frame encoded: |1|F
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1381Manager.sendAndReceive
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Starting establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:26:25,992] DEBUG - Tx: <ENQ>
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,019] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,019] DEBUG - Ending establishment phase
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,019] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,077] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>1H|\^&|||Nobilis^ V1-9.48A2|||||||P|1|20230727102625<CR><ETX>45<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,095] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,095] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>2P|1<CR><ETX>3F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,126] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,169] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>3O|1| ERR0000000003|||||||||||||||||||||||Y<CR><ETX>44<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,203] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,203] DEBUG - Tx: <STX>4L|1|F<CR><ETX>FF<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] DEBUG - Received ACK
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] DEBUG - Tx: <EOT>
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] INFO - parsing [ K ]
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:26:26,234] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,410] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,410] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,410] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,410] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,411] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,425] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,425] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,486] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,501] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,501] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>8A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,501] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,501] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,532] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,532] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,547] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,562] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,562] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2P|1||||^ALEXANDER^VALDIVIEZO<ETX>6F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,562] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,562] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,592] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,592] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,637] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,637] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,637] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3O|1||000006^01^ 17840118^B^||R||||||N<ETX>69<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,637] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,637] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,667] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,667] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,728] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,728] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,728] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>4R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.5|sec||N||||||20230727103019<ETX>84<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,728] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,728] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,759] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,759] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,821] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,821] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,821] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>5R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 90.4|%||N||||||20230727103019<ETX>61<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,821] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,822] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,852] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,852] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,913] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,913] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,913] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>6R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.94|||N||||||20230727103019<ETX>53<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,913] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,914] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,943] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:36,943] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,005] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,020] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,020] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>7R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 35.3|sec||N||||||20230727103019<ETX>24<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,020] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,020] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,051] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,051] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,051] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,051] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,051] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>0L|1|N<ETX>F6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,052] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,052] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,066] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,067] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,067] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,067] INFO - parsing [ P|1||||^ALEXANDER^VALDIVIEZO ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,067] DEBUG - Decodificar datos paciente --- P|1||||^ALEXANDER^VALDIVIEZO
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,067] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: P|1||||^ALEXANDER^VALDIVIEZO
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,068] DEBUG - Datos decodificados --- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=null, lastName=, firstName=ALEXANDER, middleInitialOrName=VALDIVIEZO, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,068] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,068] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,068] INFO - parsing [ O|1||000006^01^ 17840118^B^||R||||||N ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,068] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: O|1||000006^01^ 17840118^B^||R||||||N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,069] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,069] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,069] INFO - parsing [ R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.5|sec||N||||||20230727103019 ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,069] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.5|sec||N||||||20230727103019
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,071] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,071] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,071] INFO - parsing [ R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 90.4|%||N||||||20230727103019 ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,071] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 90.4|%||N||||||20230727103019
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,072] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,072] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,072] INFO - parsing [ R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.94|||N||||||20230727103019 ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,072] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.94|||N||||||20230727103019
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,073] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,074] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,074] INFO - parsing [ R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 35.3|sec||N||||||20230727103019 ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,074] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 35.3|sec||N||||||20230727103019
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,075] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,075] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,075] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,075] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] DEBUG - case 'O'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] DEBUG - c?digo de barra: 17840118
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,076] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,077] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,077] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,077] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,077] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,079] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,079] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,092] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17840118
[2023-07-27 10:28:37,169] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17840118
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,400] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,400] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,400] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,400] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,400] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,415] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,415] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,475] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,490] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,490] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>8A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,490] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,490] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,520] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,520] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,535] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,535] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,535] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2P|1||||^LIAM^SEBECA<ETX>A4<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,535] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,535] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,565] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,565] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,595] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,610] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,610] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3O|1||000006^02^ 17841318^B^||R||||||N<ETX>6D<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,610] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,610] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,640] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,640] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,700] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,700] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,700] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>4R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.5|sec||N||||||20230727103059<ETX>88<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,700] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,700] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,730] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,730] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,790] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,790] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,790] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>5R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 90.4|%||N||||||20230727103059<ETX>65<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,790] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,791] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,820] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,820] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,880] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,895] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,895] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>6R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.94|||N||||||20230727103059<ETX>57<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,895] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,895] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,925] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,925] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:16,986] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,001] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,001] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>7R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 28.0|sec||N||||||20230727103059<ETX>27<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,001] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,001] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,031] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,031] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,031] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,031] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,031] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>0L|1|N<ETX>F6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,032] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,032] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,047] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] INFO - parsing [ P|1||||^LIAM^SEBECA ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - Decodificar datos paciente --- P|1||||^LIAM^SEBECA
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: P|1||||^LIAM^SEBECA
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - Datos decodificados --- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=null, lastName=, firstName=LIAM, middleInitialOrName=SEBECA, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] INFO - parsing [ O|1||000006^02^ 17841318^B^||R||||||N ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: O|1||000006^02^ 17841318^B^||R||||||N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] INFO - parsing [ R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.5|sec||N||||||20230727103059 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,048] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.5|sec||N||||||20230727103059
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,049] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,049] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,049] INFO - parsing [ R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 90.4|%||N||||||20230727103059 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,049] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 90.4|%||N||||||20230727103059
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] INFO - parsing [ R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.94|||N||||||20230727103059 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.94|||N||||||20230727103059
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] INFO - parsing [ R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 28.0|sec||N||||||20230727103059 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,050] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 28.0|sec||N||||||20230727103059
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'O'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - c?digo de barra: 17841318
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,051] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,052] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17841318
[2023-07-27 10:29:17,092] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17841318
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,415] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,415] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,415] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,415] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,415] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,430] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,430] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,491] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,506] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,506] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>8A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,506] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,506] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,536] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,536] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,551] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,551] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,551] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2P|1||||^EMANUEL^GALVAN<ETX>9E<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,551] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,552] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,582] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,582] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,628] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,628] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,628] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3O|1||000006^03^ 17840018^B^||R||||||N<ETX>6A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,628] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,628] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,658] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,658] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,718] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,718] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,718] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>4R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.0|sec||N||||||20230727103139<ETX>82<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,719] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,719] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,749] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,749] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,812] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,812] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,812] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>5R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 99.1|%||N||||||20230727103139<ETX>6A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,812] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,813] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,842] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,842] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,902] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,917] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,917] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>6R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.90|||N||||||20230727103139<ETX>52<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,917] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,917] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,947] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:56,947] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,009] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,009] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,009] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>7R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 42.1|sec||N||||||20230727103139<ETX>23<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,009] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,010] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,039] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,039] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,039] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,039] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,039] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>0L|1|N<ETX>F6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,039] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,040] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] INFO - parsing [ P|1||||^EMANUEL^GALVAN ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - Decodificar datos paciente --- P|1||||^EMANUEL^GALVAN
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,055] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: P|1||||^EMANUEL^GALVAN
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] DEBUG - Datos decodificados --- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=null, lastName=, firstName=EMANUEL, middleInitialOrName=GALVAN, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] INFO - parsing [ O|1||000006^03^ 17840018^B^||R||||||N ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: O|1||000006^03^ 17840018^B^||R||||||N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] INFO - parsing [ R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.0|sec||N||||||20230727103139 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,056] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.0|sec||N||||||20230727103139
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,057] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,057] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,057] INFO - parsing [ R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 99.1|%||N||||||20230727103139 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,057] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 99.1|%||N||||||20230727103139
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] INFO - parsing [ R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.90|||N||||||20230727103139 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.90|||N||||||20230727103139
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] INFO - parsing [ R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 42.1|sec||N||||||20230727103139 ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,058] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 42.1|sec||N||||||20230727103139
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'O'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - c?digo de barra: 17840018
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,059] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,067] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17840018
[2023-07-27 10:29:57,098] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17840018
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,404] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,404] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,404] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,404] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,404] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,419] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,419] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,480] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,495] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,495] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>8A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,495] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,495] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,525] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,525] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,540] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,540] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,541] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2P|1||||^SABRINA^VAZQUEZ<ETX>14<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,541] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,541] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,570] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,570] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,601] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,616] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,616] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3O|1||000006^04^ 17838818^B^||R||||||N<ETX>7A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,616] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,616] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,647] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,647] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,708] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,708] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,708] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>4R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 12.2|sec||N||||||20230727103219<ETX>84<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,709] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,709] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,738] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,738] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,800] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,800] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,800] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>5R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 79.9|%||N||||||20230727103219<ETX>6F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,800] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,801] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,830] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,830] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,891] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,891] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,891] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>6R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 1.00|||N||||||20230727103219<ETX>49<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,891] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,891] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,922] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,922] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,983] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,998] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,998] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>7R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 28.8|sec||N||||||20230727103219<ETX>2D<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,998] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:36,998] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,029] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,029] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,029] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,029] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,030] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>0L|1|N<ETX>F6<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,030] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,030] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,044] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] INFO - parsing [ P|1||||^SABRINA^VAZQUEZ ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] DEBUG - Decodificar datos paciente --- P|1||||^SABRINA^VAZQUEZ
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: P|1||||^SABRINA^VAZQUEZ
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] DEBUG - Datos decodificados --- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=null, lastName=, firstName=SABRINA, middleInitialOrName=VAZQUEZ, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] INFO - parsing [ O|1||000006^04^ 17838818^B^||R||||||N ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: O|1||000006^04^ 17838818^B^||R||||||N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,045] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] INFO - parsing [ R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 12.2|sec||N||||||20230727103219 ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 12.2|sec||N||||||20230727103219
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] INFO - parsing [ R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 79.9|%||N||||||20230727103219 ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,046] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 79.9|%||N||||||20230727103219
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,047] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,047] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,047] INFO - parsing [ R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 1.00|||N||||||20230727103219 ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,047] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 1.00|||N||||||20230727103219
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,049] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,049] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,049] INFO - parsing [ R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 28.8|sec||N||||||20230727103219 ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,049] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 28.8|sec||N||||||20230727103219
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,053] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - case 'O'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - c?digo de barra: 17838818
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,054] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,060] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17838818
[2023-07-27 10:30:37,079] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17838818
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,399] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,399] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,399] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,399] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,399] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,414] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,414] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,474] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,489] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,489] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>8A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,489] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,489] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,519] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,519] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,534] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,534] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,534] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2P|1||||^MORENA^MANCILLA<ETX>E1<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,534] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,534] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,565] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,565] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,596] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,611] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,611] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3O|1||000006^05^ 17836418^B^||R||||||N<ETX>75<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,611] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,611] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,642] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,642] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,703] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,703] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,703] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>4R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 10.3|sec||N||||||20230727103259<ETX>87<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,703] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,703] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,733] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,733] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,793] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,793] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,793] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>5R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 113.7|%||N||||||20230727103259<ETX>76<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,793] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,793] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,824] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,824] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,886] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,886] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,886] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>6R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.84|||N||||||20230727103259<ETX>58<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,886] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,886] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,916] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,916] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,978] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,978] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,978] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>7R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 24.2|sec||N||||||20230727103259<ETX>27<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,978] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:16,978] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,008] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,008] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,068] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,068] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,069] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>0R|5|^^^061^Fbg DT~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103259<ETX>8E<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,069] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,069] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,098] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,098] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,160] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,160] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,160] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1R|6|^^^062^Fbg DT^100.00^9^^^|***.**|mg/dL||A||||||20230727103259<ETX>50<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,160] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,160] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,191] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,191] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,191] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,191] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,191] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2L|1|N<ETX>F8<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,191] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,192] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,206] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] INFO - parsing [ P|1||||^MORENA^MANCILLA ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - Decodificar datos paciente --- P|1||||^MORENA^MANCILLA
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: P|1||||^MORENA^MANCILLA
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - Datos decodificados --- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=null, lastName=, firstName=MORENA, middleInitialOrName=MANCILLA, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] INFO - parsing [ O|1||000006^05^ 17836418^B^||R||||||N ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: O|1||000006^05^ 17836418^B^||R||||||N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] INFO - parsing [ R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 10.3|sec||N||||||20230727103259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,207] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 10.3|sec||N||||||20230727103259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] INFO - parsing [ R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 113.7|%||N||||||20230727103259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 113.7|%||N||||||20230727103259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] INFO - parsing [ R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.84|||N||||||20230727103259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,208] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.84|||N||||||20230727103259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] INFO - parsing [ R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 24.2|sec||N||||||20230727103259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 24.2|sec||N||||||20230727103259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] INFO - parsing [ R|5|^^^061^Fbg DT~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,209] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|5|^^^061^Fbg DT~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] INFO - parsing [ R|6|^^^062^Fbg DT^100.00^9^^^|***.**|mg/dL||A||||||20230727103259 ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|6|^^^062^Fbg DT^100.00^9^^^|***.**|mg/dL||A||||||20230727103259
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,211] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'O'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - c?digo de barra: 17836418
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,212] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,215] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17836418
[2023-07-27 10:31:17,247] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17836418
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,436] DEBUG - Received ENQ
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,436] DEBUG - Current phase: IDLE - New phase: ESTABLISHMENT
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,436] DEBUG - Current phase: ESTABLISHMENT - New phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,436] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,436] DEBUG - Starting a new Message. Phase: TRANSFER
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,451] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,451] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,513] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,528] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,528] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97<ETX>8A<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,528] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,528] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,559] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,559] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,574] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,589] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,589] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2P|1||||^EMILY CATALEYA^MEDINA<ETX>70<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,589] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,589] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,619] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,619] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,650] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,665] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,665] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3O|1||000006^07^ 17837218^B^||R||||||N<ETX>76<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,665] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,665] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,695] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,695] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,756] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,756] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,756] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>4R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.1|sec||N||||||20230727103359<ETX>87<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,756] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,756] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,787] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,787] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,848] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,848] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,848] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>5R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 97.3|%||N||||||20230727103359<ETX>6E<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,848] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,848] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,878] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,878] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,939] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,939] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,939] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>6R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.91|||N||||||20230727103359<ETX>57<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,939] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,940] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,970] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:16,970] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,031] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,031] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,031] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>7R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 35.8|sec||N||||||20230727103359<ETX>30<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,032] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,032] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,062] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,062] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,122] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,122] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,122] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>0R|5|^^^061^Fbg DT~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103359<ETX>8F<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,122] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,122] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,153] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,153] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,214] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,214] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,214] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>1R|6|^^^062^Fbg DT^100.00^9^^^|***.**|mg/dL||A||||||20230727103359<ETX>51<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,214] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,215] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,244] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,244] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,304] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,304] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,304] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>2R|7|^^^511^TT Thr~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103359<ETX>C2<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,304] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,304] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Received STX [Start of Header]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Starting a new Record
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Received ETX [End of Text]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Received LF [Line Feed]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Received frame: <STX>3L|1|N<ETX>F9<CR><LF>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Received completed frame.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,334] DEBUG - Tx: <ACK>
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] DEBUG - Received EOT
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] DEBUG - Current phase: TRANSFER - New phase: TERMINATION
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] DEBUG - Current phase: TERMINATION - New phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.handleMessage
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] INFO - parsing [ H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,349] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: H|\^&|||CS-2500^01-70^25866^^^25866^BV981798||||||||E1394-97
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,351] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,351] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,351] INFO - parsing [ P|1||||^EMILY CATALEYA^MEDINA ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,351] DEBUG - Decodificar datos paciente --- P|1||||^EMILY CATALEYA^MEDINA
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,351] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: P|1||||^EMILY CATALEYA^MEDINA
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - Datos decodificados --- LabConnPatientInformation [sequenceNumber=1, practiceAssignedPatientId=null, laboratoryAssignedPatientId=null, patientId=null, patientName=LabConnProviderAndUserID [internalCodeNumber=null, lastName=, firstName=EMILY CATALEYA, middleInitialOrName=MEDINA, suffix=null, title=null], mothersMaidenName=null, birthDate=null, patientSex=null, patientRaceEthnicOrigin=null, patientAddress=null, reservedField=null, patientTelephoneNumber=null, attendingPhysicianId=null, specialField1=null, specialField2=null, patientHeight=null, patientWeight=null, patientKnownOrSuspectedDiagnosis=null, patientActiveMedications=null, patientDiet=null, practiceField1=null, practiceField2=null, admissionAndDischargeDates=null, admissionStatus=null, location=null, natureOfAlternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassifiers=null, alternativeDiagnosticCodeAndClassification=null, patientReligion=null, maritalStatus=null, isolationStatus=null, language=null, hospitalService=null, hospitalInstitution=null, dosageCategory=null]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] INFO - parsing [ O|1||000006^07^ 17837218^B^||R||||||N ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: O|1||000006^07^ 17837218^B^||R||||||N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] INFO - parsing [ R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.1|sec||N||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|1|^^^041^PT THS~sec^100.00^9^^^| 11.1|sec||N||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] INFO - parsing [ R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 97.3|%||N||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,352] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|2|^^^042^PT THS~%^100.00^9^^^| 97.3|%||N||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,353] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,353] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,353] INFO - parsing [ R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.91|||N||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,353] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|3|^^^043^PT THS cal~INR^100.00^9^^^| 0.91|||N||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] INFO - parsing [ R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 35.8|sec||N||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|4|^^^051^APTT PSL~sec^100.00^9^^^| 35.8|sec||N||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] INFO - parsing [ R|5|^^^061^Fbg DT~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|5|^^^061^Fbg DT~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] INFO - parsing [ R|6|^^^062^Fbg DT^100.00^9^^^|***.**|mg/dL||A||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,354] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|6|^^^062^Fbg DT^100.00^9^^^|***.**|mg/dL||A||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] INFO - parsing [ R|7|^^^511^TT Thr~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103359 ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: R|7|^^^511^TT Thr~sec^100.00^9^^^|****.*|sec||A||||||20230727103359
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.astm.ASTM1394Manager.getFrameAsRecord
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] INFO - parsing [ L|1|N ]
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] DEBUG - [fillFrame]frame: L|1|N
delimiter: |
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] INFO - parsing end.
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,355] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.sysmex.CS2500ASTMLISRecordProcessor.processHostQuery
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'H'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - Processing ID: null
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'O'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - c?digo de barra: 17837218
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'R'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - case 'L'
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,356] DEBUG - Message processed. Current phase: IDLE
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,363] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17837218
[2023-07-27 10:32:17,398] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 17837218
[2023-07-27 10:34:51,902] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.disconnect starts.
[2023-07-27 10:34:51,919] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.disconnect ends.