[2022-03-04 13:19:24,460] DEBUG - Received STX [2022-03-04 13:19:24,470] DEBUG - Starting a new Message [2022-03-04 13:19:25,621] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.nihon.KohdenHighLayer.handleMessage [2022-03-04 13:19:25,622] INFO - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder Starting normalise : MEK-6400 18 01024 MANUAL CBC 01 BLOOD MMM 0129402 V01-06 , ,V04-02 , 2022 03 04 13 07 51 12004126 9.8H 4.42 13.4 39.8 90.0 30.3 33.7 12.1 254 0.20 8.0 15.8 17.5 3.0 79.5 1.7 0.3 7.8H [2022-03-04 13:19:25,628] INFO - remove sobrante.. 7.8H [2022-03-04 13:19:25,628] INFO - remove sobrante.. [2022-03-04 13:19:25,628] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: DATE|2022/03/04 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,629] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: ID|12004126 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,629] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: WBC|9.8H [2022-03-04 13:19:25,630] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY%|4.42 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,630] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO%|13.4 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,630] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR%|39.8 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,630] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY|90.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,630] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO|30.3 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,630] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR|33.7 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,631] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: RBC|12.1 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,631] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HGB|254 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,631] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HCT|0.20 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,631] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCV|8.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCH|15.8 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCHC|17.5 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PLT|3.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PCT|79.5 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MPV|1.7 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PDW|0.3 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,632] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processHostQuery. [2022-03-04 13:19:25,633] DEBUG - case 'H' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,633] DEBUG - Processing ID: null [2022-03-04 13:19:25,633] DEBUG - case 'O' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,633] DEBUG - Código de barra procesado: 12004126 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,642] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,642] DEBUG - determination: WBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,645] DEBUG - 9.8H [2022-03-04 13:19:25,645] DEBUG - result_U ---- 9.8H [2022-03-04 13:19:25,646] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,646] DEBUG - determination: LY% Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - 4.42 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.42 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - determination: MO% Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - 13.4 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - result_U ---- 13.4 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - determination: GR% Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - 39.8 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - result_U ---- 39.8 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,647] DEBUG - determination: LY Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - 90.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - result_U ---- 90.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - determination: MO Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - 30.3 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - result_U ---- 30.3 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - determination: GR Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,648] DEBUG - 33.7 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - result_U ---- 33.7 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - determination: RBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - 12.1 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - result_U ---- 12.1 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - determination: HGB Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - 254 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - result_U ---- 254 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - determination: HCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - 0.20 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.20 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - determination: MCV Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - 8.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - result_U ---- 8.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - determination: MCH Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - 15.8 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - result_U ---- 15.8 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - determination: MCHC Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,649] DEBUG - 17.5 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - result_U ---- 17.5 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - determination: PLT Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - 3.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - result_U ---- 3.0 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - determination: PCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - 79.5 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - result_U ---- 79.5 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - determination: MPV Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - 1.7 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - result_U ---- 1.7 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - determination: PDW Results: [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - 0.3 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,650] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.3 [2022-03-04 13:19:25,652] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater [2022-03-04 13:19:25,652] DEBUG - Ending the new Message. [2022-03-04 13:19:25,652] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 12004126 [2022-03-04 13:19:28,240] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 12004126 [2022-03-04 13:19:45,662] ERROR - Timeout between frames exceeded. Current timeout: 20 [2022-03-04 13:20:45,286] DEBUG - Received STX [2022-03-04 13:20:45,286] DEBUG - Starting a new Message [2022-03-04 13:20:46,446] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.nihon.KohdenHighLayer.handleMessage [2022-03-04 13:20:46,446] INFO - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder Starting normalise : MEK-6400 18 01024 MANUAL CBC 01 BLOOD MMM 0129403 V01-06 , ,V04-02 , 2022 03 04 13 09 51 12004226 4.2 4.52 10.9L 33.9 75.0L 24.1L 32.2 15.0H 300 0.24 8.0 17.0 28.7 4.8 66.5 1.2 0.2 2.8 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,446] INFO - remove sobrante.. 2.8 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] INFO - remove sobrante.. [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: DATE|2022/03/04 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: ID|12004226 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: WBC|4.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY%|4.52 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO%|10.9L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR%|33.9 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,447] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY|75.0L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO|24.1L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR|32.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: RBC|15.0H [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HGB|300 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HCT|0.24 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCV|8.0 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCH|17.0 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCHC|28.7 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PLT|4.8 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PCT|66.5 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MPV|1.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PDW|0.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processHostQuery. [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - case 'H' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,449] DEBUG - Processing ID: null [2022-03-04 13:20:46,450] DEBUG - case 'O' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,450] DEBUG - Código de barra procesado: 12004226 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,450] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,450] DEBUG - determination: WBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,450] DEBUG - 4.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,450] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,451] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,451] DEBUG - determination: LY% Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,451] DEBUG - 4.52 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.52 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - determination: MO% Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - 10.9L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - result_U ---- 10.9L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - determination: GR% Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - 33.9 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,452] DEBUG - result_U ---- 33.9 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - determination: LY Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - 75.0L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - result_U ---- 75.0L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - determination: MO Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - 24.1L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,453] DEBUG - result_U ---- 24.1L [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - determination: GR Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - 32.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - result_U ---- 32.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - determination: RBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - 15.0H [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - result_U ---- 15.0H [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - determination: HGB Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - 300 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - result_U ---- 300 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,454] DEBUG - determination: HCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - 0.24 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.24 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - determination: MCV Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - 8.0 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - result_U ---- 8.0 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - determination: MCH Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - 17.0 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - result_U ---- 17.0 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - determination: MCHC Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - 28.7 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - result_U ---- 28.7 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,455] DEBUG - determination: PLT Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - 4.8 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.8 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - determination: PCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - 66.5 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - result_U ---- 66.5 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - determination: MPV Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - 1.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - result_U ---- 1.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - determination: PDW Results: [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - 0.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.2 [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater [2022-03-04 13:20:46,456] DEBUG - Ending the new Message. [2022-03-04 13:20:46,457] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 12004226 [2022-03-04 13:20:48,919] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 12004226 [2022-03-04 13:21:06,464] ERROR - Timeout between frames exceeded. Current timeout: 20 [2022-03-04 13:23:17,809] DEBUG - Received STX [2022-03-04 13:23:17,809] DEBUG - Starting a new Message [2022-03-04 13:23:18,969] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.nihon.KohdenHighLayer.handleMessage [2022-03-04 13:23:18,969] INFO - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder Starting normalise : MEK-6400 18 01024 MANUAL CBC 01 BLOOD MMM 0129404 V01-06 , ,V04-02 , 2022 03 04 13 11 52 11.5H 4.63 13.7 41.2 89.0 29.6 33.3 14.2H 205 0.19 9.3 16.3 26.6 4.3 69.1 3.1 0.5 7.9H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,970] INFO - remove sobrante.. [2022-03-04 13:23:18,970] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: DATE|2022/03/04 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: ID|11.5H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: WBC|4.63 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY%|13.7 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO%|41.2 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR%|89.0 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY|29.6 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO|33.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR|14.2H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: RBC|205 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HGB|0.19 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HCT|9.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCV|16.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCH|26.6 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCHC|4.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PLT|69.1 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,971] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PCT|3.1 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MPV|0.5 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PDW|7.9H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processHostQuery. [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - case 'H' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - Processing ID: null [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - case 'O' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - Código de barra procesado: 11.5H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - determination: WBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - 4.63 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.63 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,972] DEBUG - determination: LY% Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - 13.7 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - result_U ---- 13.7 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - determination: MO% Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - 41.2 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - result_U ---- 41.2 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - determination: GR% Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - 89.0 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - result_U ---- 89.0 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - determination: LY Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,975] DEBUG - 29.6 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - result_U ---- 29.6 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - determination: MO Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - 33.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - result_U ---- 33.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - determination: GR Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - 14.2H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - result_U ---- 14.2H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - determination: RBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - 205 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - result_U ---- 205 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - determination: HGB Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - 0.19 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.19 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,976] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,977] DEBUG - determination: HCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,977] DEBUG - 9.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,977] DEBUG - result_U ---- 9.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,977] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,977] DEBUG - determination: MCV Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,980] DEBUG - 16.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,980] DEBUG - result_U ---- 16.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - determination: MCH Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - 26.6 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - result_U ---- 26.6 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - determination: MCHC Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - 4.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.3 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - determination: PLT Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - 69.1 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - result_U ---- 69.1 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - determination: PCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - 3.1 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - result_U ---- 3.1 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - determination: MPV Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - 0.5 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,981] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.5 [2022-03-04 13:23:18,982] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:23:18,982] DEBUG - determination: PDW Results: [2022-03-04 13:23:18,982] DEBUG - 7.9H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,982] DEBUG - result_U ---- 7.9H [2022-03-04 13:23:18,982] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater [2022-03-04 13:23:18,982] DEBUG - Ending the new Message. [2022-03-04 13:23:18,983] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 11.5H [2022-03-04 13:23:19,465] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 11.5H [2022-03-04 13:23:38,992] ERROR - Timeout between frames exceeded. Current timeout: 20 [2022-03-04 13:24:39,530] DEBUG - Received STX [2022-03-04 13:24:39,530] DEBUG - Starting a new Message [2022-03-04 13:24:40,685] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.protocol.nihon.KohdenHighLayer.handleMessage [2022-03-04 13:24:40,685] INFO - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder Starting normalise : MEK-6400 18 01024 MANUAL CBC 01 BLOOD MMM 0129405 V01-06 , ,V04-02 , 2022 03 04 13 12 52 12004326 11.6H 4.70 13.8 42.0 89.4 29.4 32.9 14.1H 220 0.21 9.7 17.5H 26.8 4.6 68.6 3.1 0.5 8.0H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,685] INFO - remove sobrante.. 8.0H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,685] INFO - remove sobrante.. [2022-03-04 13:24:40,685] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: DATE|2022/03/04 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: ID|12004326 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: WBC|11.6H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY%|4.70 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO%|13.8 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR%|42.0 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: LY|89.4 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MO|29.4 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: GR|32.9 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: RBC|14.1H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HGB|220 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: HCT|0.21 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCV|9.7 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCH|17.5H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,686] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MCHC|26.8 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PLT|4.6 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PCT|68.6 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: MPV|3.1 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.encoder.nihon.KohdenEncoder: Decoding: PDW|0.5 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.processHostQuery. [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - case 'H' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - Processing ID: null [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - case 'O' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - Código de barra procesado: 12004326 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - determination: WBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - 11.6H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,687] DEBUG - result_U ---- 11.6H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,688] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,688] DEBUG - determination: LY% Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - 4.70 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.70 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - determination: MO% Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - 13.8 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - result_U ---- 13.8 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - determination: GR% Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - 42.0 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - result_U ---- 42.0 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - determination: LY Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - 89.4 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - result_U ---- 89.4 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - determination: MO Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,689] DEBUG - 29.4 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - result_U ---- 29.4 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - determination: GR Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - 32.9 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - result_U ---- 32.9 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - determination: RBC Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - 14.1H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,693] DEBUG - result_U ---- 14.1H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - determination: HGB Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - 220 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - result_U ---- 220 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - determination: HCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - 0.21 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.21 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - determination: MCV Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - 9.7 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - result_U ---- 9.7 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - determination: MCH Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - 17.5H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - result_U ---- 17.5H [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - determination: MCHC Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - 26.8 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - result_U ---- 26.8 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - determination: PLT Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - 4.6 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - result_U ---- 4.6 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,694] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - determination: PCT Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - 68.6 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - result_U ---- 68.6 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - determination: MPV Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - 3.1 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - result_U ---- 3.1 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - case 'R' [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - determination: PDW Results: [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - 0.5 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - result_U ---- 0.5 [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.invokeLater [2022-03-04 13:24:40,695] DEBUG - Ending the new Message. [2022-03-04 13:24:40,696] DEBUG - Start com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 12004326 [2022-03-04 13:24:43,096] DEBUG - End com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractLISMessageProcessor.ProcessResult.run: 12004326 [2022-03-04 13:25:00,702] ERROR - Timeout between frames exceeded. Current timeout: 20 [2022-03-04 13:28:45,507] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.disconnect starts. [2022-03-04 13:28:45,668] DEBUG - com.wienerlab.analyzer.AbstractAnalyzer.disconnect ends.