has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
Bug #511942
open[ManagementProduct][Add Function]_Input nothing in Name textField
Add a Product to data
Expected Result: System will display "Shouldn't Box blank!".
Actual Result: System still add Product to data without Product's Name
Severity of defect: A serious fault. But need to fix immediately.
Recommend to fix: Should check Del function and check conditions of all textfield in "Product's Information" Panel.
Updated by Huy Dat Le almost 9 years ago
Huy Dat Le wrote:
Add a Product to data
Expected Result: System will display "Shouldn't Box blank!".
Actual Result: System still add Product to data without Product's Name
Severity of defect: A serious fault. But need to fix immediately.
Recommend to fix: Should check Add function and check conditions of all textfield in "Product's Information" Panel.