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Bug #672324


Map shrinking if save loaded

Added by Lena Amari over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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When I started my save, the map was normal sized and I could see the rooms clearly. After restoring it, the rooms on the map are tiny and I can't see them, at all.

Actions #1

Updated by Aika X over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Blocked

When you restore the save, are you using the same sized window?

Actions #2

Updated by Samify1 1 over 7 years ago

I'm pretty sure that I know what Lena is talking about:

  • Occasionally, the map of a level will generate so that it's long in the top-to-bottom direction but narrow in the left-to-right dimension (for example, 13 rooms tall, but only 7 rooms wide).
  • When this happens, in at least some interpreters, that will cause the game to insert a black strip to the right of the map to fill in the unused space.
  • However, this won't happen until the first time you refresh the map, by using the stairs, saving and restoring, or by some other means. Prior to that first refresh, the map will be bigger, and the very top or bottom rooms may cut off.

As a side note, the reason that I know about this is that because I play on a computer with a relatively small (13 inch) display, I need to keep restarting a bunch of times until I happen to start in a dungeon that's 8 or fewer rooms wide. If it's any wider than that, the rooms are too small for me to easily make out which room my character is in at a glance. I do the same with each new level by saving before I enter it for the first time, and restoring as necessary until I get one that 8 or fewer rooms wide.

Occasionally, the first dungeon level will appear to have rooms that are acceptably-sized, but it will stretch very far in the top-to-bottom direction, and when next time I load the map, it will display with on a much smaller scale with a black bar to the right of the map.

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