has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
Bug #681919
openPaste copy failure
Start date:
Due date:
2017-07-10 (over 7 years late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
4.00 h
1.get to the desktop screen
2. select any document that you want
3. mark the document
4. click ctrl c
5. click Control V on the desktop
Updated by shay kober over 7 years ago
shay kober wrote:
1.get to the desktop screen
2. select any document that you want
3. mark the document
4. click ctrl c
5. click Control V on the desktop
bug: the document was copied twice
expected result : the document will copied once
type: functionality