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Feature #697689
openUI to pin selected city workers
We've had a long-standing problem where city workers get auto-arranged, fighting the player's preference that certain tiles be worked.
On the other hand, if we didn't auto-arrange, it would be too easy for cities not to adapt to changing circumstances, requiring (even more) micromanagement.
Here's a possible UI idea (discussed on IRC in the context of bug #697685) to mitigate that conflict, by letting the player specify that certain tiles should always be worked. We can build on UI we already have for worker tasks.
I don't know how hard it will be to feed such a constraint into auto-arrange-workers / CM.
16:59 < jtn> Other than that, I bet the auto-arrange-workers behaviour is going to behave in some way that annoys someone, because it usually does. ...
17:38 < jtn> ... the game likes to randomly rearrange your citizens whenever a foreign boat wanders past. Annoying!
17:39 < jtn> We do have this pre-existing problem with auto-arrange-workers. I think we ought to do something like this to mitigate it:
17:40 < jtn> Be able to right-click on tiles in the city map and say "work this if possible. Whenever workers are rearranged, try to get those tiles worked. [...]
17:40 < jtn> This would means that after any temporary fogging due to unit loss, when the tiles are unfogged, they are worked once more.
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