has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
Bug #760661
open[OPC] Complete discrepancy of the price calculation with the specification for all lots of parking
2.*Choose from "Choose a Lot' drop-down menu* (for each time period must be replayed with each lot)
3.E*nter time period* from (1min)(5hours and 59min),(6hours),(6hours and 59min),(7hours),(7hours and 59min), (8hours), (12hours and 59min),(13hours),(24hour and 1min),(1day 5hours and 59min), (1day and 6hours),(1day 6hours and 59min), (1day 7hours),(1 day 7hours and 59min), (1day and 8hours), (5days 11hours and 59min), (6 days)
4. Press "Calculate" button.
5. Verify the result.
Expected Result:
1. Cost calculate start from 1min
2. Attached file to Cost calculation criteria from Functional Specification(by specification.png)
3. VP -Clarification:
Hour: same as day
Price per day: $ 18
Prize per week: $ 126
Actual result:
1.Attache file for actual functional to OPC (opc- lot time-price.xlsx)
2.All calculations start later (STP - after 12 hours and 59 minutes, EP and LTGP - after 6 hours and 59 minutes, LTSP - after 7 hours and 59 minutes, VP - after 5 hours and 59 minutes)
3.Оnly every 24 hours is charged a parking fee
4.Charging a parking fee ends on the 6th day for EP, LTGP, LTSP
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