has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
User Story #836436
openLog in Screen for a non registered user
As a Visitor of Evernote Mobile App,I want to see the app's logo and the log in/sign up options So that I can create an account.
Acceptance Criteria
Display splash screen for two seconds
Display the Evernote logo and motto at the center of the screen,
Display a Email field at the bottom of the screen where it is specified that the log in or sign up are free,
Display a "Continue with Google" button as a option at the very bottom of the screen
Redirect to Create Account Screen after filling email field
Display a password field at the center of the screen
Display a text saying "by creating an account, you are agreeing to our terms of service and privacy policy"
Display a create account button and the connect via Google buttons are at the buttom of the screen.
GIVEN I'm a visitor on Evernote App
WHEN I launch the Evernote app
THEN I see the splash screen containing the evernote logo for 2 seconds as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on the Login Screen
WHEN I visually inspect the Screen
THEN I see the evernote logo and motto on the upper center of the screen as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on the Login Screen
WHEN I visually inspect the Screen
THEN I see the email field, a "continue button" and the option to connect via Google as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on the Login Screen
WHEN I enter my email address
AND tap the "continue" button
THEN I am redirected to Create Account Screen as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on Create Account Screen
WHEN visually inspect the screen
THEN I see my email address and a new field where I can set my password as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on the Create Account Screen
WHEN I visually inspect the screen
THEN I see a "create account" button or the option to continue with google, as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on Create Account Screen
WHEN I visually inspect the screen
THEN I see a text saying "by creating an account, you are agreeing to our terms of service and privacy policy" under the email and password fields, as per mock up
GIVEN that I am on the Create Account Screen
WHEN I fill the password field and tap on "create account button"
AND tap on "create account button"
THEN I agree to terms of service, privacy policy, have an account
AND I am redirected to -a-Welcome Screen
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- File Login screen.JPEG added
- File Reveal password field.JPEG added
- File Splash Screen.JPEG added
- File Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and create account.JPEG added
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- File Login screen.JPEG Login screen.JPEG added
- File Reveal password field.JPEG Reveal password field.JPEG added
- File Splash Screen.JPEG Splash Screen.JPEG added
- File Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and create account.JPEG Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and create account.JPEG added
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- File deleted (
Reveal password field.JPEG)
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- File deleted (
Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and create account.JPEG)
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Log in Screen to Log in Screen for a non registered user