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User Story #836804
openOnboarding tutorial screens
As a Evernote user that just made an account I want to see the Welcome Tutorial so I can understand the functionalities.
Acceptance criteria
On the first tutorial screen
Displayed on the top of the page is the date
On the center of the screen is the Evernote logo
And a text saying "Take a quick tour to learn what you can accomplish with Evernote"
Displayed at the bottom of a screen are two buttons, one saying "great, let's go!" and the other one saying "No thanks" as per mock up
Tapping on "Great, let's go!" redirects the user to the next tutorial screen
Tapping on "no thanks" shows a message informing the user where can he can find the tutorials later
Tapping "no thanks" redirects the user to the Home Screen
GIVEN I am on the first tutorial screen
WHEN I visually inspects the Screen
THEN I see the date on the top of the page,the logo on the center of the page,a message informing me about the tutorials
AND at the bottom of the screen two buttons, one saying "great, let's go!" and the other one saying "No thanks"
GIVEN that I am on first tutorial screen
WHEN I tap on "great, let's go"
THEN I am redirected to the next tutorial screen
GIVEN that I am on first tutorial screen
WHEN I tap "no thanks"
THEN a message informing me where I can find the tutorials later appears
AND I am redirected to the Home Screen
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- File 1.first screen tutorial.jpg added
Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago
- File deleted (
1.first screen tutorial.jpg)