has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
User Story #836812
openHome Screen- Navigation Drawer
As a User of Evernote App I want to have access to the navigation drawer So that I can see my account and other functionalities
Acceptance Criteria
On the Home screen
Displayed in the left corner is the Nav Drawer icon
Tapping the Nav Drawer opens a side menu displaying the avatar, email and the next functionalities (as per mock up):
All notes
Shared with Me
Collect Photos
Work Chat
Dark Theme
Explore Evernote
and Last sync process.
GIVEN I am on Home Screen
WHEN I tap the Nav Drawer icon
THEN I see a side menu containing the avatar, email address at the top
AND All notes, Notebooks, Shared with Me, Collect Photos ,Work Chat, Trash, Dark Theme, Settings, Explore Evernote options