has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
User Story #836820
openLog in for a registered user
As a registered User on Evernote App I want to login into the App and see my Home Screen So that I can use the App's functionalities
Acceptance Criteria
On the Login Screen
Filling the mail field with the correct address makes a password field appears
Filling the field with the correct password redirects the user to Home Screen
Filling the field with the incorrect password makes a pop up appear informing the user "invalid password. please try again" leaving him the option to tap "forgot password" as per mock-up
GIVEN I have an account
AND I am on the Login Screen
WHEN I fill the email field with the correct address
THEN a password field appears
GIVEN that I am on Login Screen
AND I filled my email field
AND the password field appeared
WHEN I fill the password field with the correct password
AND press the Sign In button
THEN I am redirected to the Home Screen
GIVEN I am on Login Screen
AND I filled my email field
AND the password field appeared
WHEN I fill the password field with the incorrect password
AND press the Sign In button
THEN I see a message saying "Invalid Password.Please try again"
AND a "forgot password" option