has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
User Story #836843
openHome Screen- structure
As a registered user on Evernote app I want to see diferent options on my Home Screen So that I can easily access my data, account, settings, notes.
Acceptance Criteria
On the Home Screen
Display in the left upper corner the option to open the Navigation Drawer
Display on the upper right corner to see the option to go premium, the search button and settings button
Display As feed the date and the notes and on the bottom of the screen a button that allows users to create new notes as per mock up
GIVEN I am on Home Screen
WHEN I visually inspect the screen
THEN I see on the left upper corner the option to open the Navigation Drawer
AND on the upper right corner the option to go premium, the search and settings buttons
AND on the bottom of the page a button saying "+new note" as per mock up