has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
User Story #836858
openModule #836779: Personal page
Personal page - Home
As a logged in user on Evernote app I want to see different options on my Personal page in order to access my notes, search in my notes, add notes, have access to shortcuts and view/ upgrade my account data.
Acceptance Criteria
As a logged in user, when I'm on the Home Screen, I want to see:
On the left upper corner the Back button -> Click on it redirects me to my notes
On the upper right corner to see the "..." -> Click on it opes a Note list options
As feed I want see the Search notes field
All notes
On the bottom of the screen I want to see: a button that allows me to create a new note as per mock up, search option, "+" button to create a new note, favorite button and account info button
Please see the attached mockup "Home screen after log in"
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app
WHEN inspecting the page structure
THEN he sees displayed:
On the left upper corner the Back button
On the upper right corner to see the "..."
As feed I want see the Search notes field and next to that field on the right the filter button and a clock button
All notes
On the bottom of the screen I want to see: a button that allows me to create a new note as per mock up, search option, "+" button to create a new note, favorite button and personal info button
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he clicks on Back button
THEN he is redirected on Notebook screen
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he click on "..." button
THEN he opens Note list options
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he clicks on "Search in all notes" editable field
THEN he can type characters that will refine his notes containing the typed characters
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he clicks on the filter button
THEN he filters the notes by the tag given to them
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he clicks on Clock button
THEN he sees displayed his reminders
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he clicks on one note from the displayed ones
THEN he sees information about the selected note
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he click on Note button from the Tab bar
THEN he is redirected to his notes screen
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he click on Search button from the Tab bar
THEN he is redirected to Search notes screen
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he click on “+” button from the Tab bar
THEN he is redirected to create a new notebook
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he click on “Favorite” button from the Tab bar
THEN he is redirected to his Shortcuts (recent notes and favorite ones)
GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app, at Home screen
WHEN he click on “Account info” button from the Tab bar
THEN he is redirected to his account