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User Story #838380


Navigation Drawer-Email address

Added by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

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As A registered User on Evernote Mobile App I want to access my account settings and have the option to add a business account from taping my email address so I can easily access my information and benefit from the add a business option.

Acceptance Criteria

Display two options when tapping on Email address from Navigation Drawer
Add business account
Account Settings
And the option to Sync at the bottom of the page as per mock up
Tapping on Add business account button redirects the User on the Log in/Sign in Screen
Tapping on Account Settings Button redirects the User to Account Info Screen


GIVEN that I am on Home Screen
AND the Navigation Drawer is displayed
WHEN I tap on my email address
THEN two buttons are displayed: "add a business account" and "account settings"
AND a sync option with information about the last sync is displayed as per mock up

GIVEN that I am on the Home Screen
AND the Navigation Drawer is diplayed
WHEN I tap on my email address
AND I tap on the "Add business account" button
THEN I am redirected to the Log in/Sign in Screen

GIVEN that I am on the Home Screen
AND the Navigation Drawer is diplayed
WHEN I tap on my email address
AND I tap on the "Account Settings" button
THEN I am redirected to the Account Info Screen

Actions #1

Updated by Andra Pinzariu about 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

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