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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
671110 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal It show word (Print User story) each time and also show Us id when i print any item. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671109 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Workflow status is not implemented in print item pop-up, Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671108 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Word (No User) should (Undefined) in print item pop-up. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671107 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Loader on global search needs styling. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671106 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Styling needed in print item pop-up. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671105 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Print pop-up show an extra div in background. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671104 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal UI disturbed when i open global search in user dashboard, Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671103 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Moscow priority and resolve status check boxes is missing while creating new project. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671102 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Comments is not visible in print item pop-up, Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671101 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal UI issue in global search, Alert need styling. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671100 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Print item feature is not working in release pop-up. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671099 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Remove (User story, Task, Sprint, Epic) from workflow map in case of issue tracker package only, Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671098 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal On print item pop-up, It show undefined value when i create dependency. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671097 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Page keeps on loading when i add ("") in tag. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671096 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal It show me alert when i change release project during creation. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671095 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal It show (Undefined) under global search, when i click on (?) icon in footer. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671094 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Item is not removed from mini To-do widget on status change. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671093 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Print epic is not working from epic pop-up and also from context menu of epic widget. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671092 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Project field is empty when i navigate from planning board to backlog. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671091 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal (Loader) needs styling in global search. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671090 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal On user profile page focus is not set to password field when i update my email. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671089 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal When i change project on start new pop-up it will not reflect in sprint pop-up, Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671088 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Item is not changed according to In-line status on widget. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671087 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Change Board button is not working on issue tracker. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671086 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal I was able to delete profile pic of any user. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
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