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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
671079 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal Page should navigate to backlog er then rather dashboard, when i click on project from fogbugz import page. Please follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671075 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Create Sprint Wizard] Need to disable a button on Sprint Panel's preview widget. Kindly follow attached GIF. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671074 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Add New Project] [UX] Title & Project Key fields still keep displaying error messages from "first failed attempt", even after user has provided title. Kindly follow attached GIF. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671073 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [UI] Dependencies overlay on widget needs some UI alignment. Kindly follow attachment 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671072 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [ TESTING acc. specific ] Switch WF scheme gets stuck on last Loader screen. Also, due to same issue I'm unable to import epics csv into any project. Neither of them work. Probably has to do with PUSH. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671070 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Rights] Rights missing on workflow. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671069 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [ Duplicate of ] [ Issue Tracker ] "Duplicate Of" entry for a Bug does NOT go away even if its status is changed from Duplicate to Close or any other status. Kindly follow attached GIF. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671068 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [UI] [workflow] "Manage Workflow scheme" tab under Project settings needs to show icons for Default statuses, instead of the text that says "Default". Kindly follow attached screenshot. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671067 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Company Pulse] The stats are not matching in backlog section of company pulse check attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671066 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Issue tracker] issue tracker not loading check attachment and creditials in detail 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671065 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Save and add detail] Save and add detail not working. for both user story and issue. check attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671064 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [UI] [DASHBOARD] Clicking on "Start New Sprint" from any Dashboard area screen makes the Sprint overlay "Overlap" over Sprint Board type layout. kindly follow screenshot. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671063 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Issue Tracker] [duplicate] Setting "Duplicate" status is NOT showing popup data entry field on Widget view anymore. Kindly follow attached GIF. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671062 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [ScrumBoard] [Dependencies] Counter for recently added Dependencies, does NOT update on ScrumBoard, unless page is manually refreshed. Comment counter on same widget also shows +1 value than actual value. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671061 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Workflow] "Manage Workflow scheme" tab under Project settings needs to show Default wf statuses as well. Kindly follow attached screenshot. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671060 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Config. Board] Configuration Board deletion warning message needs a minor change. Kindly follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671059 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Interact via Email] [Advance mode] Giving the Status or other parameters in Email body does NOT apply those parameters/attributes to recently created bug. Kinly follow attachment 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671057 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Workflow] "Add Workflow Scheme" popup creates Duplicate schemes if user presses "Save" & then "Save & Close" button. And since, there is no option to delete an existing Scheme, user can't even get rid of duplicate entry. Kindly follow attached GIF. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671056 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [REPORTS] Export CSV button on popup does NOT export accurate data. Also, the "Open With" csv view on Firefox puts all the fields in one cell. They're merely divided by commas. Kindly follow screenshot. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671055 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Interact via Email] [Advanced mode] Upon US/BG/EP creation, status does NOT update if custom WF status name is given in parameters. It ONLY changes if we give old Default statuses. Kindly follow attached screenshot. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671054 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [UI] [EPICS] Linked US(s) under each Epic have some Title overlapping issue. This happens for the projects that have "Use Priority" unchecked. Kindly follow attachment. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671053 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [UI] [Planning Board] Hovering over Sprint/Release/Epic Ids opens the popup away from actual mouse hovering position. Kindly follow attachment 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671052 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Workflow] [Config. Board] Unmapped Status Panel in Board Layout editor is now showing "Default" in front of status names that are default for that particular category. If they can be replaced with green checkmarks, it will look consistent. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671050 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [Interact via Email] All the User Stories created via this IvE feature are appointed Story Point value = NULL. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
671049 IMPORT 6,210 Issues Tweak In Progress Normal [PROFILE Pic] Uploading an oddly long portrait pic messes up Crop-Box's drag n drop functionality. Kindly follow attached GIF. 2017-05-30 09:28 AM Actions
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