

Help has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...



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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
847034 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Assigned Immediate 道具內頁,市價右邊沒有顯示幣別 月瓊 許 2019-11-13 11:25 AM Actions
845944 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Low IIO前台_買賣頁_返回上一頁 jenny KU 2019-11-09 04:02 PM Actions
845934 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Resolved Low 在媒合成功的IM訊息點擊【交易通知】,畫面開啟IIO並導到該品項畫面,在該品項畫面左上角點擊"<"icon,沒有反應 P X 2019-11-12 01:23 PM Actions
845681 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug In Progress High IIO前台_道具詳細頁_版面調整 月瓊 許 2019-11-13 07:51 AM Actions
845423 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Feature Resolved High [道具內頁] 委買量,委賣量 等數字公式調整 P X 2019-11-13 11:27 AM Actions
845409 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug In Progress High 背包相關_點擊道具說明_查看更多 月瓊 許 2019-11-14 04:46 AM 上線必要 Actions
845401 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Normal 【ironman】道具的"可交易數量"大於"發行總數" ->同 845423 月瓊 許 2019-11-05 05:48 AM Actions
844928 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Urgent 背包 道具說明查看更多 -- 錯誤-無法開啟該道具說明頁 (IOS 有問題) P X 2019-11-13 12:43 PM Actions
844925 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Feature Closed Normal 道具說明頁 調整[前往交易]按鈕功能可以一進入頁面就可以顯示 jenny KU 2019-11-14 03:09 AM Actions
843734 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected High 功能 - 道具資訊頁指數錯誤 P X 2019-11-15 08:16 AM Actions
840751 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Urgent 道具說明 - 背包點[道具說明]未跳到指定頁,出現"幣種為空的錯誤訊息" P X 2019-11-13 11:04 AM 背包 - IIO 介接 Actions
840554 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Normal 文案 - [道具內頁]道具說明區_無說明時文案顯示簡體字 jenny KU 2019-11-13 09:41 AM 文案 Actions

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