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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
847373 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Urgent [買賣頁] 量與價格數字錯誤 P X 2019-12-04 12:03 PM Actions
847352 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Low [買賣頁] 1. 委買和委賣價格顏色相反 2 委買和委賣區沒有分隔線 月瓊 許 2019-11-28 07:18 AM Actions
846622 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Feature Closed Immediate 道具買賣頁_道具資訊顯示效能調整 jenny KU 2019-11-13 08:22 AM Actions
846354 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed High pay 付款完成後出現[系統忙碌] 再出現[付款完成]的錯誤 jenny KU 2019-11-13 10:21 AM Actions
845701 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Normal IIO前台_買賣頁_買入_媒合成功待付款 月瓊 許 2019-11-13 10:10 AM Actions
845685 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Low IIO前台_買賣頁_委託單建立 P X 2019-11-13 12:04 PM Actions
845674 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Normal IIO前台_買賣頁_買入/賣出 金額與數量顯示 jenny KU 2019-11-09 04:00 PM Actions
845637 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Immediate [待付款訂單] 點付款後跳出pay 畫面 (一直loading) 月瓊 許 2019-11-05 07:18 AM Actions
845418 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Urgent 背包相關_功能清單_我要賣 jenny KU 2019-11-09 03:04 PM Actions
845402 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed High 在IIO道具交易所小幫手,在媒合成功的通知點擊【交易通知】,會導到IIO首頁;應該要導到該道具的【待支付訂單】 月瓊 許 2019-11-13 10:06 AM Actions
845383 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Rejected Normal 媒合交易後付款問題-> 同 845402 月瓊 許 2019-11-05 05:54 AM Actions
845191 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Urgent 買家點付款時 未跳到gamapay 直接顯示未支付 jenny KU 2019-11-13 10:47 AM Actions
844935 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed Normal 未完成Pay 付款,關掉pay 畫面時 會一直出現付款loading jenny KU 2019-11-13 11:06 AM Actions
844893 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed High 買家下委買單時 不做綁定付款方式 jenny KU 2019-11-13 10:12 AM Actions
844889 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed High ios pay 付款成功後 沒有跳出付款成功 (頁面一直轉) jenny KU 2019-11-14 09:26 AM Actions
841866 IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 Bug Closed High Layout - 點擊「買入成功」,會跳到交易資產頁 Pale Chen 2019-12-06 04:53 AM Actions

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