has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...
User Story #836859
Updated by Cristina Lica about 5 years ago
*Description* As a logged user on Evernote app I want to search my notebooks, see my notes, reminders, shared notes and notebooks and add new notes. *Acceptance Criteria:* Note Screen for logged user: On the top of the screen: Search notebook field -> Click on it -> Editable field that refines notebooks containing the typed characters All Notes -> Click on it redirects user to all his notes, chronologically displayed Shared with me -> Click on it redirects user to all his shared notes and notebooks Notebook -> Click on "+" button opens New Notebook Notebooks → Click on it → user will see the notes from the selected notebook Please see the attached mockup "My notes page" ----------------------------- GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app And he click on Notes from the tab bar WHEN he inspects the page structure THEN he will see displayed: Search notebook field, All notes, Reminders, Share with me, Notebooks GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app And he is on Notes from the tab bar WHEN he clicks on Search notebook field And he types characters on the editable Search field THEN he will see displayed the notebooks containing the typed characters GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app And he is on Notes from the tab bar WHEN he clicks on All notes THEN he will see all his notes, chronologically displayed GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app And he is on Notes from the tab bar WHEN he clicks on Shared with me THEN he will see all his shared notes and notebooks And will have the possibility to search them GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app And he is on Notes from the tab bar WHEN he clicks on “+” button THEN he will create a new notebook GIVEN a user is logged into the Evernote app And he is on Notes from the tab bar WHEN he clicks on a notebook THEN he will be redirected to a screen where he can see all notes from the selected notebook