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User Story #836854

Updated by Cristina Lica over 5 years ago


 As a register user, when I login for the first time into the Evernote application, I want to be able to see or to skip the free trial 

 *Acceptance Criteria* 

 When a user logs in for the first time into the Evernote application, he will receive information about how the application works 
 First screen: (Please see the attached mockup " Evernote Premium") 
 Try Evernote Premium for free text and info text about Evernote Premium 
 On the top left corner: Close button ( x) 
 On the bottom of the screen: Start free trial button and info about the cost of Evernote Premium 
 Continue with Basic 
 Privacy Policy and Terms of Service 

 Close button ( x) → Click on X or on Continue with Basic redirects user to “Welcome!” screen and offers the possibility of a tour about how the user can use the application.  
 (Please see the attached mockup " Welcome after first sign in ") 
 As a body in the middle of the page is displayed  
 Text: “Welcome! Take a quick tour to see what you can do with Evernote.” 
 “Great, let’s go!” button 
 “No thanks” option 

 “Great, let’s go!” button → Click on Great, let’s go! → Tutorial about Evernote starts, with Continue button on each presentation slide 
 “No thanks” option → Click on No thanks → Pop-up “Take the tour later?” text info “Find it in Account > Support > Evernote Tour” and options  
 “Quit Tour” → Click on Quit tour takes user to Personal page 
 “Take tour” → Click on Take tour → user is on “Welcome! “Screen again 

 Tour content: 
 Access slide: Interaction with Notifications, Photos and Camera . If the user selects to allow access to Camera of Photos, he will be notified that he has to    give permission from Settings. If the user clicks Ok, next slide will appear. If the user clicks Settings, he will be redirected to the phone’s settings. When he returns to the application, next slide from the trial will appear. 
 First slide: Create a note → click on it opens the Create note screen 
 Second slide: Try the camera → Click on it opens the camera → User can take a picture that can be saved or not 
 Third slide: Show me how button - the user can save articles and photos from the web 
 Fourth slide: Synchronize with account with Email me a link an No thanks options. Click on Email me a link → user is informed that an email has been sent to his email. Click on No thanks → Last slide appears 
 Last slide: Go to my notes button → click on it redirects user to his personal page 


 GIVEN that a user logs in for the first time into the Evernote app 
 WHEN he inspects the page 
 THEN he sees will see displayed information about Evernote Premium 
 WHEN he clicks on “x” button or Continue with Basic  
 THEN he is redirected to “Welcome!” screen and offers the possibility of a tour about how the user can use the application 
 WHEN he clicks on Start free trial  
 THEN he sees will receive information about payment for    Evernote Premium 

 GIVEN that a user logs in for the first time into the Evernote app 
 And he clicks on “x” button or Continue with Basic  
 WHEN inspecting the Welcome! screen 
 THEN he sees will see displayed the “Great, let’s go!” button and “No thanks” 
 WHEN he clicks click on Great, let’s go! 
 THEN the Tutorial about Evernote starts 
 WHEN he clicks click on “No thanks” 
 THEN a Pop-up message is displayed: “Take the tour later? Find it in Account > Support > Evernote Tour” and options “Quit Tour” and “Take tour” 
 WHEN he clicks click on “Quit Tour” 
 THEN user is redirected to his Personal page 
 WHEN he clicks click on “Take tour” 
 THEN the Tutorial about Evernote starts
