

Help has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...




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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
845785 Task In Progress Normal Execução de Projeto 2019-11-05 04:50 PM Actions
845773 Task In Progress Normal Movimento de Arrecadação Pedro Tenório Cavalcanti 2019-11-05 01:40 PM Actions
845565 Task In Progress Normal Monitoramento e Controle Aecio Paulo 2019-11-05 03:22 PM Actions
845569 Task Resolved Normal Matriz Raci Aecio Paulo 2019-11-05 03:03 PM Actions
845800 Support In Progress Low Recebimento de peças Philype Vinicius da Silva gomes 2019-11-05 03:36 PM Actions
(26-30/30) Per page: 25, 50

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