

Help has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...



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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Category
  IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 103 Collapse all/Expand all
861893 Feature Assigned Normal 活動頁加ga code Actions
860109 Bug Assigned Normal (stage) 異動紀錄頁 404 Actions
860092 Feature Assigned High 提領頁API TX_NO 參數使用 Currency_withdraws.tx_no 欄位值 Actions
860081 Feature Assigned Normal 提領頁- API Response API Response 文案處理 Actions
859886 Bug Assigned Immediate [提領頁] 更改API response 文案 2000 -> 會員尚無召換圖板的帳號 Actions
858259 Task New Normal e1 召喚圖版 活動頁 Actions
858258 Task New Normal e 活動頁 Actions
854858 Feature Assigned Normal 新增授權條款頁 Actions
854855 Task New Normal a2 授權款頁 Actions
854849 Feature New Normal GASH 進行登入後, 由Account/MemberInfo 取回會員資料時請更新會員資料 (nickname) Actions
854843 Bug Assigned Immediate 異動紀錄頁 好友名稱有含" 時顯示 " 例: 小瓊 "" Actions
854840 Bug Resolved Normal 在異動紀錄頁點了 home icon , 幾次成功就會出現幾次404 error Actions
853748 Bug Resolved Immediate [道具有轉移頁]紀錄顯示空白 Actions
853747 Bug Resolved Immediate [道具有轉移頁] 無法點展開與收合 (stage) Actions
853158 Bug Resolved Immediate 錯誤訊息的文案請協助確認- 如有中文以繁體字顯示 Actions
852356 Bug Assigned Immediate 背包 ion/transferByBf 分享好友時 異動紀錄沒有顯示好友nickname Actions
852355 Bug Resolved Immediate CP 打/public/api/position/transfer API PI 給openid 時,紀錄未顯示 派發領取 Actions
851989 Bug Resolved Immediate 背包 跳到交易所時,如會員沒有訂閱交易所,訂閱會出白畫面 Actions
850371 Feature Resolved Immediate 增加一個頁面做跳轉背包的中繼頁 Actions
850026 Bug Assigned Immediate [道具轉移紀錄] 由背包 點右下角異動紀錄 ,開到iio 道具轉移紀錄,再點home page ,home page ,無法回到iio home page Actions
850021 Bug Assigned Immediate [道具異動紀錄] 背包點異動紀錄跳到iio 會先跳home page 再跳到道具異動紀錄頁 Actions
850003 Feature Resolved Immediate [提領頁] 更改文案 Actions
849928 Bug Resolved Immediate 選單\道具轉移紀錄 打開時會先跳一次無紀錄才會顯示正確清單 Actions
849916 Feature Resolved Immediate 分享給朋友或由朋友分享時,顯示的文案增加bf!app nick name Actions
849907 Feature Resolved Immediate 調整清單樣式 同背包 Actions
(1-25/103) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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