

Help has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...



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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Category
  IIO(NewLayout) v1 -前台 103 Collapse all/Expand all
847226 Task New Immediate A 訂閱 Actions
840745 Task New Immediate c5 道具提領頁 Actions
840592 Task New Immediate c4.7 功能:[道具轉移頁] Actions
840557 Task New Immediate c 1.2+ 1.3 [道具交易_委賣頁/委買頁]bug Actions
840553 Task New Immediate c1 [道具內頁]bug Actions
840545 Task New Immediate a [首頁]bug Actions
840555 Task New Urgent c1.1 [道具交易_委賣頁]bug Actions
858258 Task New Normal e 活動頁 Actions
858259 Task New Normal e1 召喚圖版 活動頁 Actions
854855 Task New Normal a2 授權款頁 Actions
846314 Task New Normal b 買責市場 Actions
846147 Task New Normal c3 追蹤道具 Actions
845950 Bug New Normal IIO前台_追蹤道具_關鍵字/篩選選單 -> 20191107 18:58 版本OK Actions
845893 Bug New Normal IIO前台_買賣頁(賣出檢查) 有商家帳號未綁定 Actions
845424 Task New Normal c1.1 [道具說明頁]bug Actions
844942 Task New Normal c4.6 異動通知 Actions
844910 Task New Normal c2 新聞內頁 Actions
844894 Task New Normal c4 選單 bug Actions
840563 Task New Normal c4.5 [交易通知頁]bug Actions
840550 Task New Normal c [道具市埸(清單)]bug Actions
854849 Feature New Normal GASH 進行登入後, 由Account/MemberInfo 取回會員資料時請更新會員資料 (nickname) Actions
846196 Task New Low d im 清單 Actions
846188 Task New Low c4.9 常見問題 Actions
844939 Task Assigned Immediate c4.1 發票設定 Actions
859886 Bug Assigned Immediate [提領頁] 更改API response 文案 2000 -> 會員尚無召換圖板的帳號 Actions
(1-25/103) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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