

Help has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...


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File Date Size D/L Checksum
Bug #729716: Page content doesn't match the site/ "Our story" page
bug25.png 2018-01-30 11:48 AM 893 KB 0 MD5: 1517312923 bug25.png
Bug #729712: Pages are not available by clicking on the hyperlinks/ Footer/ Advertising, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions hyperlinks
bug24.png 2018-01-30 11:35 AM 49.6 KB 0 MD5: 1517312102 bug24.png
Bug #729707: There are spelling mistakes/Pages: Home Page, Filters form, Sign In form, Bikes page
bug20.png 2018-01-30 11:14 AM 200 KB 0 MD5: 1517310863 bug20.png
bug21.png 2018-01-30 11:14 AM 364 KB 0 MD5: 1517310873 bug21.png
bug22.png 2018-01-30 11:14 AM 23.7 KB 0 MD5: 1517310880 bug22.png
bug23.png 2018-01-30 11:14 AM 30.1 KB 0 MD5: 1517310886 bug23.png
Bug #729693: Not all elements of the site are translated into the chosen language/ All pages of the site
bug13.png 2018-01-30 10:32 AM 421 KB 0 MD5: 1517308369 bug13.png
bug14.png 2018-01-30 10:33 AM 67.5 KB 0 MD5: 1517308384 bug14.png
bug15.png 2018-01-30 10:33 AM 776 KB 0 MD5: 1517308396 bug15.png
bug16.png 2018-01-30 10:33 AM 62.8 KB 0 MD5: 1517308406 bug16.png
bug17.png 2018-01-30 10:33 AM 499 KB 0 MD5: 1517308418 bug17.png
bug18.png 2018-01-30 10:33 AM 304 KB 0 MD5: 1517308427 bug18.png
Bug #729668: There isn't "All" item in the drop-down lists of the Filters form/"Filters" form/Comboboxes: City, Make, Model, Choose body type, Color
bug10.png 2018-01-30 09:31 AM 204 KB 0 MD5: 1517304700 bug10.png
bug11.png 2018-01-30 09:31 AM 517 KB 0 MD5: 1517304710 bug11.png
bug12.png 2018-01-30 09:32 AM 512 KB 0 MD5: 1517304726 bug12.png
Bug #729620: The input field for quick search does not appear/ City combobox, Color combobox/ Filters form/ Always
bug9.png 2018-01-30 06:32 AM 333 KB 0 MD5: 1517293948 bug9.png
Bug #729549: Wrong button name. It should be "Bike" instead of "Moto". /Filter form/Type block/Bike button
bug8.png 2018-01-29 07:04 PM 281 KB 0 MD5: 1517252661 bug8.png
Bug #729544: Filter block doesn't find all offers on the given parameters/ "Cars"page/ "Bikes" page/ "Trucks" page
bug6.png 2018-01-29 06:35 PM 363 KB 0 MD5: 1517250942 bug6.png
bug7.png 2018-01-29 06:35 PM 497 KB 0 MD5: 1517250959 bug7.png
Bug #729509: The "Trucks" page doesn't represent all offers of truck vehicles/ Trucks Page
bug4.png 2018-01-29 03:54 PM 801 KB 0 MD5: 1517241269 bug4.png
bug5.png 2018-01-29 03:54 PM 596 KB 0 MD5: 1517241289 bug5.png
Bug #729469: Wrong title name of the "Trucks" page/ "Trucks" page
bug3.png 2018-01-29 02:32 PM 243 KB 0 MD5: 1517236342 bug3.png
Bug #729467: Wrong title name of the Bikes page/ "Bikes" page
bug2.png 2018-01-29 02:28 PM 23.8 KB 0 MD5: 1517236120 bug2.png
Bug #729451: The main image is partly covered with the "Search" block-Home Page
bug1.png 2018-01-29 01:55 PM 650 KB 0 MD5: 1517234110 bug1.png